Saturday, August 23, 2014

Restaurants in Ellington Ct

Restaurants in Ellington Ct I know this blog is supposed to be dedicated to new restaurants in newington ct, however the owner of Tunxis Grill also opened up a new restaurant in the Ellington, Somers, Enfield, Suffield area called Three Figs! Its a higher end restaurant and is actually located in the old Suffield Inn. The interior has been entirely redone and you probably would not recognize it if you walked in. The menu has a little something for everyone, including seafood, italian, american and yes Folks even hamburgers. The menu should satisfy the pickiest of eaters! So check out the video below! It should give you a good indication of what the food is like. If you want to see the menu check out restaruants in ellington ct Restaurants Near Ellington Ct Video!


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